Healthy Eating Without Breaking the Bank


Healthy eating gets a bad rep. It’s a common misconception that buying healthy food means going well over your grocery budget. Well I’m here to bust that myth, and share how you can eat healthy without breaking the bank!

  1. Make a list and stick to it.

I’m guilty of writing a list, then when I get into a store (@ Target), I’m like a kid in a candy store. Eyes gazing at everything, picking up “just a few” items not on the list that end up blowing the original budget. First things first, break this habit.

2. Frozen > Fresh

Fruits/veggies and meat/fish is great fresh, but it’s equally amazing and nutritious frozen. Not to mention, cheaper! Opt to buy frozen bags of vegetables, fruit, and packs of frozen fish or meat versus fresh from the market. Your wallet will thank you and you’re still consuming the same nutritious food!

3) Eat in season

Check out the #WhatsInSeason series highlighting produce that’s in season each month! Eating food that’s in season means it will be cheaper than produce that isn’t. Think about it; if you’re craving peaches in the dead of winter (they are a summer fruit), sure maybe you can find them, but they’ll be a whole lot more expensive in December vs. July. When produce is “in season” it costs less money to harvest and fufill the demand.

4. Savings > Convenience

Trust me I know. It’s convenient to buy those pre-sliced apples instead of doing it yourself! But if you think about buying in bulk, you’ll get more bang for your buck.

5. Some of you may not like this but...cut back on the meat.

Have you ever tried #MeatlessMonday? Or gone full vegetarian? I’m not pushing a vegetarian agenda BUT having more “veggie-forward” meals will absolutely cut down those grocery costs.

If it sounds challenging, pick one day a week to have a meatless meal. Another common belief I’ll address in a different post: “Without meat you can’t get adequate protein!”

More on that later :)

With love, health & happiness,
